Welcome to PRMS PTA

Pearl River Middle School Parent Teacher Association

All parents and teachers are encouraged to join the PTA to unite home, school, and the community for our children.  Money raised through dues and fundraising is used for to support our children, including but not limited to cultural arts activities assemblies, instructional equipment and materials, college scholarships and similar needs. Meeting dates will be posted on the calendar.  PTA meetings are open to all - please join us! 

Join the PRMS PTA

Please help the students of PRMS by joining the PTA.

Here is the the link to join: https://ptaprms.memberhub.store/

Stay in the know!  Join the PRMS PTA Facebook Group to get the latest PTA news, updates and reminders.



2024-2025 Executive Board


Alice Tom

Co-Vice Presidents

Dan Robins & Tricia Reilly


Alison Gerondel                  

Co-Corresponding Secretaries

Alicia Shannon & Jennifer Nolan

Co-Recording Secretaries

Megan Bergmann & Bridget Georgakopolous


Email: pearlrivermspta@gmail.com  

PTA Meeting Minutes